CGI Stakeholder Member – Invite to Annual Meeting,

Here is this meeting’s AGENDA: DOWNLOAD (PDF)

Common Ground Iowa (CGI), your Iowa chapter of Common Ground Alliance (CGA) to promote the use of the CGA BEST PRACTICES to prevent underground utility damages, is holding our annual membership meeting on December 1, 2023 starting at 9:00 a.m.

Meeting location: Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities, 1735 NE 70th Ave., Ankeny, IA 50021. The agenda is attached.  We will be holding our annual business meeting, elections, and several damage prevention speakers.  CGI have several positions open on the board, you will see on the agenda we have several nominations from the Executive Committee and some open position; we will take other nominations from the floor on Dec. 1st.

Presentation – Jake Larson, Assistant Attorney General, activities of the AG office dealing with damage prevention. Iowa One Call, Ben Booth and Tyler Jass will also be present to take any one call questions. 

Presentation – Dr. Roy Sturgill, Assistant Professor ISU, Project Development and Utility Approaches to Promote Damage Prevention. Presentation Summary:

Legacy approaches of transportation project development and utility coordination entail limited utility company involvement during the formative stages of highway project design. This typically entails completing the highway design and requiring utility relocations for any areas where the new design is in conflict with existing utility infrastructure.  Advancing practice in utility coordination promotes early utility involvement using an avoid-minimize-mitigate approach. This not only promotes reduced relocation of utilities but also damage prevention as utility investigations become a more emphasized effort within the project. This presentation will highlight these utility coordination practices and how the roles of all stakeholders evolve in their use.

Presentation – Phil Meis, P.E., He chaired the new ASCE 75 Utility As-Built Standard, was a committee member for the ASCE 38 standard for investigating utilities, and currently serves as a Governor for the Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute of ASCE. Presentation Summary:

Accurate, standardized utility positioning and attribute data is readily achievable at the time of installation. Until recently a published standard for documenting utility “as-installed” or “as-built” did not exist. That changed when ASCE published the ASCE/CI/UESI 75-22 “Standard Guideline for Recording and Exchanging Utility Infrastructure Data” in July 2022. Iowa DOT recently completed a research project that addressed how to implement that standard, along with the ASCE/CI/UESI 38-22 “Standard for Investigating and Documenting Existing Utilities” and related emerging best practices and new technologies for modernizing the management of utility infrastructure within IADOT right of way. Highlighted results from this research effort will be presented, along with the role the surveying community can play to help implement this paradigm shift toward proactive, strategic management of utility infrastructure.

Here is the LINK to register to attend the meeting.  Board members and speakers also need to register.

If needed, copy and paste this link in your browser to register:

Hope to see you at the in-person annual meeting on December 1st.